Ägnar julledigheten att läsa Robert Skidelskys ”Keynes – mästarens återkomst”. Känns befriande efter att...
In Kalmar's Södra cemetery, beautifully located next to Kalmar castle, there is a giant granite...
The Russian gold reserve is commented by Putin.
According to Professor Hans Rosling's Twitter feed, Gapminder will soon release the sweaty world news that humanity has…
Greece is the country in Europe that has the second largest share of military expenditure in relation...
I thought this statue called freedom by the artist Zenus Frudakis is lovely…
I don't like dictators and murderous regimes but despite this there are of course economic...
Well, then I have taken part in yet another episode of institutionalized racism...
Lagen om offentlig upphandling (LOU) är tyvärr ett skämt som det ser ut idag…...
What is the fastest way to board a plane? My old math teacher used to say that…
Robert Engle som fick Nobelpriset i ekonomi 2003 för att utveckla statistiska modeller för att...
Yes, and today came the news that Steve Jobs is leaving as CEO of the world's richest...