En u-båtsolycka med två atomubåtar utanför Skottland kunde skapa ett 3:e världskrig 1974 enligt...
I'm Daniel Larsson, an internet veteran since 1993 with a specialization in digital marketing. As a father of two sons, a history buff, and a judo enthusiast, I bring a unique perspective to my writing. The views expressed on this blog are strictly my own and do not reflect the positions or opinions of my employer or company.
Bilderberg mötet är det årliga mötet där alla världens mäktigaste elit möts under informella...
På Tradera köpte jag ett gammalt träsnitt som sas föreställa en ung Gustav Vasa. Jag...
Philosopher and Nobel laureate Bertrand Russels was asked what he would like to say to humanity's...
Sometimes you get tired of reading Aftonbladet and the usual media reporting. Here is one...
One of Ricky Gervais' absolute best… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KK8I9106cfc
With Trump as president, it feels like women's liberation has taken a hit...
George Bush brev när han lämnade över vita huset till Bill Clinton. Klicka på...
For many, James Bond is the image of the gentleman. A he-man and county clerk who goes...
Video worth watching if you want to see what the future holds…
The founder of Spotify wrote an attention-grabbing article with the headline: We must act or be...