In the unexpected event of a zombie apocalypse, Sweden faces an unprecedented...
I'm Daniel Larsson, an internet veteran since 1993 with a specialization in digital marketing. As a father of two sons, a history buff, and a judo enthusiast, I bring a unique perspective to my writing. The views expressed on this blog are strictly my own and do not reflect the positions or opinions of my employer or company.
Have you read this classic article about how two American political consultants invented the “monster”…
What wars have been started by Russia? In Russian propaganda, a recurring theme is that...
Who are the Bilderberg Group? The Bilderberg Group is an informal organization consisting of politicians, businessmen and...
In April 2022, the left in the United States voted against support for Ukraine and a bill...
The dirty American election has passed and now different types of post-election reports are starting to be published....
The smoke stone is one of the most famous rune stones in Sweden and is considered a...
Göbekli Tepe is an archaeological site in southeastern Turkey, dating to around 10...
ASMR stands for "Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response". It is a term used for…
Dr. Chan Thomas's book "The Adam and Eve Story" suggests that the pole shift takes place on...
The Scientologists' "bible" or basic text is the book "Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health"...
There is a conspiracy theory that claims birds are not real.